Monday, May 21, 2007

Running Site Review

Site of the week:

I am one of those people who simply cannot run without my Ipod Nano. I also love my Nike Plus sport piece as well. More on that later. Anyway, was one of my favorite discoveries recently. The site basically allows you to indicate your minutes per mile or your miles per hour and then select your favored music genre to find specific songs that match the beat of your steps at your pace! It's a phenomenal tool, really. The only problems I see with the site right now are:

1. lack of intuitive interface and impressive site design
2. lack of extensive library of recommendations (but still decent)
3. lack of stickiness - where's the Web 2.0 community aspect? This site has a really neat too. They should capitalize on this by getting me to sign up for a newsletter or a free account or have a forum or something.

Other than those comments, great site. It's helped me find a few good tunes to match my beat so I can keep myself motivated.

In case you're wondering, my chosen beat is 140 bpm (beats per minute).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is phil and I just stumbled on your blog today. I noticed you have not updated in a while but I though I would let oyu know about a site I just created called metro east running( I am tryign to make a community for running in the st.louis area.