Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A new year = a fresh start

So tonight I am up late after a long New Year's Day, contemplating how I'm going to be sure that I get a great start on running this year and that I keep up running as my fitness routine. I'm aiming for consistency and efficiency. I want to run regularly to gain and maintain weight loss and overall health - both mental and physical, as running provides benefits to both - as well as efficiency through good technique that will keep me injury free and enjoying running. I noticed that when I'm not efficient with diet and other areas of health, it impacts both my desire to run and my ability to go longer distances or make good time.

So, at least I was able to document my two goals here. I'd like to post every day with details of my runs, such as distances, times, locations, general experiences, and overall feelings during and after the run. Hopefully keeping a log of my running life will encourage my toward my fitness goals this year. Also, I'll continue to keep writing about the St. Louis running community. I am by no means a great "runner" as other elite or competitive runners in the area might consider themselves, but I do love to run and want to encourage it as a positive, easy and fun form of fitness within the community.

Last year, I ran my first full marathon, and after the marathon experienced illiotibial band syndrome and what I think might have been plantar fasciitis. Both were some of the most painful injuries I've ever felt and prevented me from being able to run more than 5 minutes at a time. After much rest, stretching, short runs, new shoes and an IT band support for my leg, I am ready to get back in and go back to my former routine of 3 to 5 mile runs throughout the week, at least 4 out of 5 week days, and then 6 to 10 mile runs on the weekends.

Happy New Year, and cheers to you all!


Anonymous said...

so what happen to your fresh start? Tell me about running in St Louis..what is like?

I've got a sis living there.....maybe one day like to move there for a year or really like to continue running there...

By the way, my name is Khoo, do email me if you are able to tell more about it. Thanks. Email:

amberd. said...

I ran across your blog this evening after searching for 5ks to run in St. Louis. I just started running in Febuary and I am up to 9 miles (my longest run yet) yikes! I run 4 miles during the week and I am trying to keep up on the long runs on the weekend. Anyway... I just noticed your last post was in January. Are you still running? =) I'd love some info on races if you have any for me! I'm lazy...hehehe. Thanks!